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Jean-Louis de Biasi - Castillonnès

to my website

A Commitment to the Heart of Castillonnès

Welcome to my website, dedicated to my journey and my commitment to Castillonnès.

Born and raised in this beautiful bastide, I want to share with you my ideas to strengthen our community and preserve our heritage.

Discover here my story, my projects, and my vision for the future of our village

Learn More About My Commitment

(Available soon)

Jean-Louis de Biasi

In a Few Words

I was born in Castillonnès, a town that holds a special place in my heart. After growing up there, I taught philosophy in France for many years before building an international career as an author and lecturer. Having lived in Canada and then in the United States for many years, I gained valuable experience, forged international connections, and was always struck by the historical and cultural richness of Castillonnès.

My roots and deep attachment to Castillonnès have always drawn me back to this unique bastide, inspiring me to explore its history and contribute to its development.

Bastide-de-Castillonnès aeroclub 1.2.jpg

A vision for Castillonnès

My dedication to Castillonnès is built on three key pillars that are close to my heart:

  • Valuing our historical and cultural heritage to preserve the unique identity of our bastide while opening it to the future.

  • Supporting local initiatives to revitalize the economy and breathe new life into our businesses by developing new projects that quickly benefit the entire population.

  • Creating spaces for dialogue and connection to strengthen the bonds within our community.


I deeply believe in a prosperous future for Castillonnès, and I am committed to actively contributing to its growth and success, drawing on the international experience I have gained.

Cultural and Festive Gatherings in Castillonnès

Female Lecturer


Explorez des thèmes variés tels que l’histoire, le patrimoine, ou des sujets actuels pour élargir nos horizons.


Repas festifs

Partagez un moment convivial autour de la gastronomie locale et des produits de notre terroir tout en soutenant de bonnes causes

Politician News Interview

Concerts et rencontres

Les nombreux concerts, et À venir, des cafés philosophiques, des débats, et des échanges enrichissants autour des projets pour Castillonnès et de son avenir.

I believe in the importance of creating moments of connection and sharing to strengthen the bonds between the residents of our bastide. Through cultural events, convivial meals, and conferences, I aim to bring life to Castillonnès while opening the door to enriching discussions on a variety of topics.

Stay informed about publications on Castillonnès and upcoming events I am organizing in this town and beyond.

My publications about Castillonnès

As an author and publisher, I am committed to highlighting the history and heritage of Castillonnès through my writings and the republication of old books with my wife, Patricia. These books, written by notable figures of the town—often former mayors passionate about our bastide—reflect a deep love for Castillonnès. By bringing them back to life, I aim to preserve the memory of our village, showcase its treasures, and inspire future generations.

Castillonnès au temps jadis
Jean-Louis de Biasi


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me directly via the form or by email.

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